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Bank Saudara - Fresh Graduate OCR Officer Training Program Bank Saudara January 2015

Bank Saudara
Bank Saudara / banksaudara.com
PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk - Bank Saudara (IDX reference code SDRA) is a Bandung-based private bank with rapid business expansion. Bank Saudara was founded in 1906 and  regognized as one of the oldest banks in Indonesia. At first establishment, Bank Saudara originally registered as Passer Baroe Merchants Organization. The name Bank Saudara was established in 1974. As of January 2014, the shareholders compositions of Bank Saudaraare Arifin Panigoro (27.27%), PT Medco Inti Dinamika (3.68% ), PT Medco Duta (3.24%), Woori Bank Korea (27%), PT Bank Woori Indonesia (6%), and the general public (32.81%). Bank Saudara now has 107 office networks spread in 15 major cities throughout Indonesia. Bank Saudara has recorded a good performance in 2013.  According to Bank Saudara Annual Report 2013 as cited by BursaKerja.top, the Bank has succeeded in booking total assets of Rp 8.23 trillion in 2013, growing 7.99% (yoy) from 2012 which was Rp 7.62 trillion.

In line with its continued expansion program, PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Relationship Officer Training Program

  • Male/Female, with a maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Minimum requirements of a Bachelor's Degree (S1) from all majors.
  • Fresh graduate / having experience in the field of marketing at least 1 year.
  • Strong knowledge of pension loans will be an advantage.
  • Proficient in computer literacy.
  • Able to work in a team, target oriented and love field works.
  • Have a good communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills.
  • Willing to undergo a bond and assigned in all working unit of Bank Saudara.
  • Singe/not married.
For further information, please refer official source from CC Udinus on following link below. If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please send directly your application along with Recruitment on Campus (OCR) that will held on 28, 29 January 2015 (09.00 WIB - end) at Gedung B Lt 2 Ruang B2.3 Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang - Jl Nakula 1 No 5-11 Semarang. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. (BursaKerja.top / Source)

Bank Saudara - Fresh Graduate OCR Officer Training Program Bank Saudara January 2015 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: KABAR BOLA


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