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The Indonesian Navy - Recruitment Tamtama PK TNI AL December 2014

TNI AL / tni.mil.id
Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut - TNI AL or the Indonesian Navy is a member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI), responsible for naval/marine operations. TNI AL headquartered in Jakarta and now has 2 Fleet Commands, namely Fleet Command West Region (Koarmabar) and Fleet Command East Region (Koarmatim). Koarmabar is located in Tanjung Priok Jakarta, while Koarmatim situated at Surabaya East Java. TNI AL also operates 1 Military Sea Traffic Command (Kolonlamil) in Tanjung Priok Jakarta. As of 2011, TNI AL supported by approximately 74,000 active personnels. TNI AL also supported by more than 138 naval warships (KRI), including 40 units of KRI Striking Force, 50 units of KRI Patrolling Force, 48 units of KRI Supporting Force.

Due to strengthen its team, Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut is calling young Indonesian Citizens to seize theese career opportunities

Calon Tamtama PK TNI AL TA 2015 Gelombang I

General Requirements
  • Indonesian citizens (WNI), Male and Female, faithful and devoted to God Almighty, true to the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) based on Pancasila and UUD 1945, not act as Civil Servants (PNS).
  • Age as low as 17 years 9 months and a maximum of 22 years old on 1 March 2015.
  • Minimum education of SLTP or equivalent.
  • Minimum height of 163 cm and weight balance.
  • Good character and not being lost the right to be a soldier based on court decisions that have permanent legal power accompanied by Police Notes (SKCK) of the local police.
  • Have excellent health (physically and mentally), not tattooed and pierced and scars, not color blind and no glasses.
  • Has never been married and willing to not married during the first education period (Dikma) and for 2 years after completion Dikma.
  • Willing to undergo Association Office First (IDP) for a minimum of 5 (five) years and a maximum of 10 (ten) years from the start was inducted into the Triton Two / Private Second Class.
  • Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • There must be consent / permission from a parent / guardian to those who have aged 21 years.
  • Having KTP and Family Card (KK) in accordance with the registration place nearby.
Place of registration
  1. PANDA
    • Mako Lantamal I - Jl Serma Hanafiah No 1 Belawan.
    • Mako Lantamal II Padang - Jl Bukit Peti-Peti Teluk Bayur Padang.
    • Mako Lantamal IV - Jl Yos Sudarso Batu Hitam, Tanjung Pinang.
    • Mako Lantamal VI - Jl Yos Sudarso 308 Makassar.
    • Mako Lantamal VII - Jl Yos Sudarso, Kupang.
    • Mako Lantamal VIII - Jl Walanda Maramis Kairagi Manado.
    • Mako Lantamal IX - Halong Teluk Ambon.
    • Mako Lantamal X - Jl Amfhibi No 1, Hamadi, Jayapura.
    • Mako Lantamal XI - Jl Nowari, Merauke.
    • Mako Lanal Palembang - Jl Yos Sudarso No 1 Boom Baru, Palembang.
    • Mako Lanal Balikpapan - Jl Yos Sudarso 14, Balikpapan.
    • Mako Lanal Pontianak - Jl Kom. Yos Sudarso No. 1 Pontianak.
    • Mako Lanal Tarakan - Jl Yos Sudarso Tarakan Kalimantan Utara.
    • Mako Lanal Mataram - Jl Malomba 2 Antenan Mataram.
    • Mako Lanal Ternate - Jl Batu Angus Akehuda, Maluku Utara.
  2. RUTE I
    • Kantor Perwakilan Lapetal -  Jl Gunung Sahari No 2, Jakarta Utara.
    • Mako Lanal Cirebon - Jl Kesunean No 33 Cirebon.
    • Mako Lanal Lampung - Jl Yos Sudarso KM 10 Panjang Lampung.
    • Kantor Prokimal Lampung - Jl Yos Sudarso No 1 Madukoro Kotabumi Lampung Utara
    • Mako Lanal Tegal - Jl Proklamasi No 1 Tegal.
    • Mako Lanal Bandung - Jl Arya Jipang No 8 Bandung. 
  3. RUTE II
    • Mako Lanal Yogyakarta - Jl Melati Wetan No 62, Yogyakarta.
    • Mako Lanal Cilacap - Jl Niaga No 2 Cilacap.
    • Mako Lanal Semarang - Jl R. Martadinata No 12, Semarang.
    • Kantor Lapetal Malang - Jl Yos Sudarso No 16, Malang.
    • Mako Lanal Banyuwangi - Jl Raya Situbondo No 54, Ketapang, Banyuwangi.
    • Mako Lantamal V - Jl M Natsir No 56 Surabaya.
    • Mako Lanal Denpasar - Jl Raya Sesetan No 331 Denpasar Bali.
For further detail, please refer official source from TNI AL on following link below. To apply for, please register to http://al.rekrutmen-tni.ilmci.com and physically re-registration to the above registration place. Closing date 16 December 2014. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. (BursaKerja.top/Source)

The Indonesian Navy - Recruitment Tamtama PK TNI AL December 2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: KABAR BOLA


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