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PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk - Officer Development Program TBIG November 2014

Tower Bersama
Tower Bersama / tower-bersama.com
PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk - TBIG (Tower Bersama Group) is one of the largest and leading publicly-listed telecommunication services company in Indonesia with principal business in telecommunication tower services, including telecommunication tower, distributed antenna system (DAS), hybrid energy solution, and telecommunication infrastructure services. Tower  Bersama was formerly known as PT United Towerindo, which was founded in 2003. The name PT Tower Bersama was established in 2004. As of December 2013, Tower Bersama Group manages 10,134 telecommunication sites, including 8,866 telecommunication towers, 1,040 shelter-only sites, and 228 DAS networks throughout Indonesia. In terms of financial performance, Tower Bersama Group reported an increase in its operational performance in the third quarter of 2014 (Q3 2014, ended in 30 September 2014). Revenues continue to grow by 19.77% to Rp 2,341 billion from Rp 1,995 billion in same period of 2013. Total net profit reached Rp 1,223 billion, an increase of 33.44% from Rp 916 billion year on year. This figures was stated by Tower Bersama Group in its latest financial reports (Q3 2014) as cited by BursaKerja.top.

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk seeks extraordinarily talented individuals to fill in the following positions:

Officer Development Program (ODP)

  • Have a Bachelor Degree (S1) from a leading university majoring in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Law and Economic Management.
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (on a 4-point scale).
  • Not more than 26 years old.
  • Maximum 2 years of working experience in any field, fresh graduate are encourage to apply.
  • Demonstrated good analytical thinking and leadership skiils.
  • Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • High motivation and proactive
  • Involved actively in campus or social organization.
  • Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia.
For further information about this program, please refer official source from PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk on following link below. If you think you have met the requirements above, please apply online via TBIG career page at www.tower-bersama.com. Selection process will be started in November until December 2014 and will be held in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. All application will be handled in strictly confidential and only short-listed candidate that match to the requirements and qualifications will be notified. (BursaKerja.top/Source)

PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk - Officer Development Program TBIG November 2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: KABAR BOLA


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