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Kota Magelang / magelangkota.go.id |
Pemerintah Kota Magelang - Pemkot Magelang is the City Government of Magelang. The City of Magelang is a small city in Central Java with a total area of 18.12 km². The City of Magelang situated between Semarang and Yogyakarta (75 km south of Semarang and 43 km north from Yogyakarta). The City of Magelang is surrounded by Magelang regency. The City of Magelang is administratively divided into 3 districs and 17 urban villages, namely North Magelang districs with 5 urban villages, Central Magelang districs with 6 urban villages, and South Magelang districs with 6 urban villages. According to the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) as cited by BursaKerja.top, total population of the city of Magelang in the year 2012 was 120,447 people. The City of Magelang was lead by a Mayor and currently held by Sigit Widyonindito and assisted by Joko Prasetyo as a vice Mayor.
Due to strengthen its team, Pemerintah Kota Magelang seeks the best Indonesian Citizen (WNI) to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) with the following qualifications and conditions:
No | Position | Education | Grade | Formation |
1 | Penguji Kendaraan Bermotor Pelaksana | D2 motor vehicle examiners or D3 LLAJ | II/b, II/c | 1 |
2 | Pengadministrasi Anggaran | D3 Economics | II / c | 7 |
3 | Pengadministrasi Keuangan | D3 Economics | II / c | 8 |
4 | Bendahara | D3 Accounting | II / c | 5 |
5 | Verifikator Keuangan | D3 Accounting | II / c | 7 |
6 | Pengelola Data Statistik | D3 Statistics | II / c | 1 |
7 | Pengadministrasi Umum | D3 All Majors | II / c | 3 |
8 | Arsiparis Pelaksana | D3 Archieves | II / c | 1 |
9 | Pranata Komputer Pelaksana | D3 Informaticsw Management, Informatics Engineering | II / c | 17 |
10 | Analis Materi Sidang | S1 Law | III / a | 1 |
11 | Analis Anggaran | S1 Accounting | III / a | 1 |
12 | Auditor Pertama | S1 Accounting | III / a | 1 |
13 | Perancang Peraturan Perundang-undangan Pertama | S1 Law | III / a | 1 |
14 | Penyuluh Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Pertama | S1 Economics (Non Accounting) | III / a | 1 |
15 | Pengantar Kerja Pertama | S1 Economics (Non Accounting) | III / a | 1 |
Total | 56 |
Note : Pemerintah Kota Magelang will held Basic Competence Test (TKD) using the Computer Assisted Test system (CAT). To learn about CPNS test using CAT system, please register here.
For further information about jobs requirements and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from Pemerintah Kota Magelang on following link below. Register online through the national portal http://www.panselnas.menpan.go.id and then register to http://sscn.bkn.go.id (10 - 23 September 2014). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (BursaKerja.top / Source)
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